investigate haunted sites using highly developed psychic methods that include remote viewing and psychometry. I use some of the material egnerated by these investi- gations to write my books. A list of published books is given on the MY BOOKS page of this website.
I also serve as a consultant for people who have had unpleasant or bothersome ghostly activity in their home, workplace, or other location. Check out the SERVICES page in this website. Visit the CONTACT US page and send me an e-mail about your experience with a ghost or unexplainable phenomena and I'll help you analyze the situation and identify a solution.
Check out the Photo Gallery for photographs of paranormal phenomena from my ghost hunts and pictures submitted to me by readers.
On the Paranormal Question of the Week page, I will answer the question most often submitted to me in the past week.
Zak, Nick, and Aaron: thanks for the good times at Alcatraz Island, Winchester Mystery House, and Brookdale Lodge
Thank you. . .
. . . . for visiting my website, purchasing my books, sending me e-mail messages, listening to me on the radio, watching me on TV, and visiting with me at book-signings.
Available now at
USS Hornet History Mystery Overnight Investigation January 21 29, 6:00 PM: Jeff Dwyer will be the featured guest aboard this historic WWII arcraft carrier. He will speak about the ship's haunted history and ghost hunting methods that wll insure a successful encounter with the paranormal. For tickets: Email: or call (510) 521-8448 x 224
Morro Bay Book Signing, delayed by Covid-19 until early spring 2022: The Coalesce Bookstore in Morro Bay, CA, will host a book signing featuring Jeff's newest novel, Morro Bay. Stop by the bookstore at 845 Main Street, Morro Bay, CA; phone (805) 772-2880. Website:
Sonoma Mini-Paracon, April 2022: This mini-paracon has been delayd due to California State Park policy that has not reopened historical sites for events. Watch website for more information about a premiere paracon staged in the most haunted town in California's fabled wine country. Come for the spirits, those in a bottle and those that haunt the many historic buildings in this charming town. This will be a mini-paracon with only 30 people in attendance. If all goes well, we will stage a huge paracon in October 2022.
In 2022, watch for events in Berkeley, San Jose, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
Copyright Jeff Dwyer. All rights reserved.